ELAM, N. – CHARALAMPAKIS, P., “New sigillographic data on the Armeniakoi and the Armeniaka Themata from collections in Turkey and Germany,” BULLETIN OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, 19, 2024 (will be published)
ELAM, N. – MALATRAS, Ch. – GÜLER, Y.S., “The Byzantine Lead Seals at the Pera Museum,” Gephyra, 26 (2023) 197-216.
ELAM, N. – WASSILIOU SEIBT, A. K., “Ist Andronikos Synadenos um die Mitte des 12. Jahrhunderts in normannische Gefangenschaft geraten?”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 114(1) (2021) 163–170.
ELAM, N. – CHARALAMPAKIS, P., “An Unpublished Byzantine Lead Seal of Basilikos Kommerkiarios of Thrace,” Нумизматика, сфрагистика и епиграфика, 17 (2021), 95-111.
ELAM, N., “Thematic Molybdoboulla from the Collections of Eleven Archaeological Museums in Turkey,” TAKTIKON. Studies on the Prosopography and Administration of the Byzantine themata (19 June 2015 Academy of Athens), eds. Olga Karagiorgou – Pantelis Charalambakis – Christos Malatras, Athens, Greece, , 716-747.
ELAM, N., “Kırklareli, Hierapolis ve Tokat Arkeoloji Müzelerinden Yayımlanmamış Patrik Mühürleri Üzerine Gözlemler,” TÜRKİYE’DE BİZANS ÇALIŞMALARI:YENİ ARAŞTIRMALAR, FARKLI EĞİLİMLER, (Byzantine Studies in Turkey. New Research, Different Trends İstanbul 2016), eds. K. Durak – N. Necipoğlu – T. Uyar, İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 375-400.
ELAM, N., “Giresun ve Tokat Müzelerinden İki Bizans Kurşun Mührü,” (Two Byzantine Lead Seals from Giresun and Tokat Museums) Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of Medieval Studies), 4/1 (2021), 14-38.
ELAM, N., “Giresun Müzesindeki Bizans Kurşun Mühürleri (Byzantine Lead Seals in Giresun Museum),” Karadeniz İncelemeleri Dergisi (Journal of Black Sea Studies), 30 (2021), 671-704.
ELAM, N., “Kırklareli Müzesindeki Bizans Kurşun Mühürleri (Byzantine Lead Seals in Kırklareli Museum),” Humanitas - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (International Journal of Social Sciences), 8/16 (2020), 142-170.
ELAM, N., “Ecclesiastical Personages of Side (Σίδη) of Pamphylia according to Literary and Sphragistic Data,” ADALYA, 23 (2020), 409-450.
DEMİRER, Ü. – ELAM, N., “Lead Seals of the Kibyra Excavations,” ADALYA , 21 (2018), 245-276.
ELAM, N., “Edirne Müzesi’ndeki Bizans Kurşun Mühürleri (Byzantine Lead Seals in Edirne Museum),” Trakya Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (Trakya University Journal of Faculty of Letters -TUJFL), 9/18 (2019), 1-52.