Im Erscheinen
- M. T. Catalano, M. Filosa, C. Sode, ‘Von China nach Byzanz: Das Dreihasenbild auf einem byzantinischen Bleisiegel’, in M.-L. Goiana, K. Kubina, Ch. Papavarnavas, G. Rossetto (Hrsg.), Cultural Encounters in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter.
- M. T. Catalano, M. Filosa, C. Sode, ‘New Insights into Known Byzantine Seals: Specimens from the Collection Robert Feind and Their Parallels in Bulgaria’, in Zh. Zhekova (Hrsg.), Volume in memoria Ivan Jordanov (ca. 35 S.).
- M. Filosa, ‘Medical Practitioners in Byzantine Sigillography’, in I. Grimm-Stadelmann, D. Valentino (Hrsg.), Brill’s Companion to Byzantine Medicine [Brill’s Companions to the Byzantine World], Brill (ca. 70 S.).
- C. Malatras, ‘The Early genikoi logothetai: Status, Seals and Prosopography (mid-7th to mid-9th c.)’, in Zh. Zhekova (Hrsg.), Volume in memoria Ivan Jordanov.
- C. Malatras, ‘Byzantine Lead Seals as Expressions of Power and Identity’, in M. Bodnaruk und A. Adanshikaya (Hrsg.), Art and Power in Medieval Societies in the Eastern Mediterranean from Late Antiquity to the Ottoman Era, Budapest 2025.
- M. Filosa, C. Neuefeind, C. Sode (Hrsg.), Digital Approaches to Medieval Sigillography – Special Issue Digital Medievalist (2025) [Einleitung + 8 Artikel]. Verfügbar:
- M. Filosa, C. Neuefeind, C. Sode, ‘Digital Approaches to Medieval Sigillography: An Introduction’, in Digital Approaches to Medieval Sigillography, hrsg. von M. Filosa, C. Neuefeind, C. Sode, special collection, Digital Medievalist 18/1 (2025): 1–XX.
- S. Drach, M. Filosa, C. Malatras, C. Sode, ‘A Research-Based Digital Teaching Infrastructure for Auxiliary Disciplines: The Case of Byzantine Sigillography’, in M. Filosa, C. Neuefeind, C. Sode (Hrsg.), Digital Approaches to Medieval Sigillography – Special Issue Digital Medievalist 17/1 (2024): 1–25. (DOI:
- M. Schaeben, M.T. Catalano, ‘Byzantine Sigillography and RTI: Insights from the DigiByzSeal Project in Cologne’, in Digital Approaches to Medieval Sigillography, hrsg. von M. Filosa, C. Neuefeind, C. Sode, special collection, Digital Medievalist 17/1 (2024): 1–27. (DOI:
- A. Sopracasa, J. Bigalke, N. Buchs, S. Meziridou, ‘Creating a Sigillographic Search Engine for Byzantium: Preliminary Results’, in Digital Approaches to Medieval Sigillography, hrsg. von M. Filosa, C. Neuefeind, C. Sode, special collection, Digital Medievalist 17/1 (2024): 1–32. (DOI:
- T. L. Andrews, ‘Byzantine Sigillography, Linked Open Data, and the Structured Assertion Record’, in Digital Approaches to Medieval Sigillography, hrsg. von M. Filosa, C. Neuefeind, C. Sode, special collection, Digital Medievalist 18/1 (2025): 1–24. (DOI:
- J.A. McEwan, W. Grajdura, C.D. Hopwood, K. Million, A.V. De Smedt, ‘Machine Learning and Sigillography: Using Decision Trees to Date British Seal Matrices’, in Digital Approaches to Medieval Sigillography, hrsg. von M. Filosa, C. Neuefeind, C. Sode, special collection, Digital Medievalist 17/1 (2024): 1–26. (DOI:
- V. Eyharabide, ‘Artificial Intelligence Applied to Byzantine Sigillography: Current Research, Challenges, and Future Perspectives’, in Digital Approaches to Medieval Sigillography, hrsg. von M. Filosa, C. Neuefeind, C. Sode, special collection, Digital Medievalist 17/1 (2024): 1–16. (DOI:
- G. Vogeler, ‘Transforming the Vocabulaire de la Sigillographie into a Semantic Web Resource’, in Digital Approaches to Medieval Sigillography, hrsg. von M. Filosa, C. Neuefeind, C. Sode, special collection, Digital Medievalist 18/1 (2025): 1-20. (DOI:
- L. Hablot, ‘Nouvelles approches sigillographiques, les apports des bases de données’, in Digital Approaches to Medieval Sigillography, hrsg. von M. Filosa, C. Neuefeind, C. Sode, special collection, Digital Medievalist 18/1 (2025): 1–XX.
- M. Filosa, ‘Byzantine Monasteries and Their Wealth as Shown by Lead Seals: The Case of the Imperial Monastery of Lakape’, in Z. Chitwood (Hrsg.), Medieval Mount Athos between Wealth and Poverty [The Medieval Mediterranean 142], Brill 2024, 241–263. (DOI:
- C. Malatras, ‘Civil Administration in the Byzantine Provinces (7th–9th Centuries)’, Studia Ceranea 14 (2024), 1-38.
- C. Neuefeind, J. Bigalke, M. T. Catalano, S. Drach, S. Efthymoglou, P. Evening, M. Filosa, C. Malatras, M. Schaeben, C. Sode, ‘Signed, Sealed, Delivered – Digital Approaches to Byzantine Sigillography’, in T. Gengnagel (Hrsg.), Kleine Fächer & Digital Humanities – Special Issue it - Information Technology, 2024, 1–15. (DOI:
- N. Elam, C. Malatras, Y. S. Güler, ‘The Byzantine Lead Seals from the Museum of Pera’, Gephyra 26.2 (2023), 197–216. (DOI:
- M. Filosa, U. Gad, G. Bodard, ‘Description, Translation and Process: Making the Implicit Explicit in Digital Editions of Ancient Text-Bearing Objects’, in G. Bodard, C. Palladino (Hrsg.), Can’t Touch This: Digital Approaches to Materiality in Cultural Heritage, Ubiquity Press 2023, 51–75. (DOI:
- C. Malatras, ‘Remarks on the Collection of Byzantine Lead Seals of the Barber Institute of Fine Arts (University of Birmingham)’, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (BMGS) 47.2 (2023), 1–28. (DOI:
- C. Malatras, ‘Selected Lead Seals from an Unpublished Private Collection in Germany’, Revue des études byzantines (REB) 81 (2023), 297–323.
- C. Malatras, ‘The Early History of the Thema of the Boukellarioi (8th century)’, Byzantinische Zeitschrift (ΒΖ) 116.1 (2023), 127-164. (DOI:
- M. T. Catalano, ‘Nutzen und Grenzen der RTI-Fotografie am Beispiel von zwei stark beschädigten byzantinischen Bleisiegeln’, in Studies in Byzantine Sigillography 14 (2022), 147–157.
- C. Malatras, ‘An Unpublished Seal of Konstantinos Philosophos, his Family, and the Thema of the Islands’, Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta (ZRVI) 60 (2022), 27-53. (DOI:
- M. T. Catalano, M. Filosa, C. Sode, ‘Byzantine Seals from the Robert Feind Collection in Cologne: Research and Publication in the Context of the Digital Humanities’, Revue des études byzantines 79 (2021), 297–322. (DOI:
- C. Malatras, ‘In the Service of the Imperial Opsikion: the Corpus of Officials’, in O. Karagiorgou, P. Charalampakis, C. Malatras (Hrsg.), TAKTIKON: Studies on the Prosopography and Administration of the Byzantine Themata, Athens 2021, 277-401.
- C. Malatras, ‘The Thema of the Anatolikoi: Prosopography and Administrative Structure’, in O. Karagiorgou, P. Charalampakis, C. Malatras (Hrsg.), TAKTIKON: Studies on the Prosopography and Administration of the Byzantine Themata, Athens 2021, 411-512.
- C. Malatras, ‘Το Αιγαίο, οι Κυκλάδες και η θέση της Πάρου στο διοικητικό σύστημα κατά τη βυζαντινή
εποχή’, in D. Katsonopoulou (Hrsg.), Paros Through the Ages - from Prehistoric Times to the 16th century AD, Paros V, Paros 2021, 437-460.
- M. Filosa, A. Sopracasa, S. Stoyanova, ‘The Digital Enhancement of a Discipline: Byzantine Sigillography and Digital Humanities’, magazén | International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities 1/1 (2020), 101–128. (DOI: 10.30687/mag/2020/01/006).
- M. Filosa, A. Sopracasa, ‘Encoding Byzantine Seals: SigiDoc’, in C. Marras et al. (Hrsg.), Atti del IX Convegno Annuale AIUCD. La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l'Informatica Umanistica [Quaderni di Umanistica Digitale], Bologna, 2020, 240–245. (DOI: 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6316).