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Ports and Landing Places at the Balkan Coasts of the Byzantine Empire

Bearbeiter: Prof. Dr. Andreas Külzer

The project focuses on the coastline from Dalmatia via the Aegean Sea to the western Black Sea and the Danube delta. Based on an analysis on all available sources and archaeological evidence, the aim is a complete survey of the coastal towns, bays and estuaries in these regions; this will make possible  differentations with regard to the respective local significance of harbours for regional communications as well as for long-distance trade. Through the cooperation of the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz, with the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the material of the "Tabula Imperii Byzantini" can be used in order to document for the first time systematically the medieval port places of the Balkans and to analyse them within the wider European context of the SPP 1630.

The aim of the project is to document all ports and landing places at the Balkan coasts of the Byzantine Empire from Dalmatia via the Aegean Sea and the western Black Sea to the mouth of the Danube, with regard of their importance, their material structures and  their funcionality for both the maritime transport network and the communication with the hinterland. For this purpose, a wide range of sources and scientific literature will be critically analysed; also the broader context of economic and social developments will be taken into account.

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