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M.T. Catalano, M. Filosa, C. Sode, ‘New Insights into Known Byzantine Seals: Specimens from the Collection Robert Feind and Their Parallels in Bulgaria’, in Zh. Zhekova (ed.) Volume in memoria Ivan Jordanov, (forthcoming, ca. 35 p.).

M. Filosa, ‘Byzantine Monasteries and Their Wealth as Shown by Lead Seals: The Case of the Imperial Monastery of Lakape’, in Z. Chitwood (ed.) Wealth and Mount Athos, Brill (forthcoming, ca. 20 p.).

M. Filosa, G. Bodard, U. Gad, ‘Description, Translation and Process: Making the Implicit Explicit in Digital Editions of Ancient Text-Bearing Objects’, in G. Bodard, C. Palladino (eds.) Can’t Touch This: Digital Approaches to Materiality in Cultural Heritage, Ubiquity Press (forthcoming, ca. 25 p.).

M.T. Catalano, ‘Nutzen und Grenzen der RTI-Fotografie am Beispiel von zwei stark beschädigten byzantinischen Bleisiegeln’, in Studies in Byzantine Sigillography 14 (2022), 147–157.


M.T. Catalano, M. Filosa, C. Sode, ‘Byzantine Seals from the Robert Feind Collection in Cologne: Research and Publication in the Context of the Digital Humanities’, Revue des études byzantines 79 (2021), 297–322.


M. Filosa, A. Sopracasa, S. Stoyanova, ‘The Digital Enhancement of a Discipline: Byzantine Sigillography and Digital Humanities’, magazén | International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities 1/1 (2020), 101–128. (DOI: 10.30687/mag/2020/01/006).

M. Filosa, A. Sopracasa, ‘Encoding Byzantine Seals: SigiDoc’, in C. Marras et al. (eds.), Atti del IX Convegno Annuale AIUCD. La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l'Informatica Umanistica [Quaderni di Umanistica Digitale], Bologna, 2020, 240–245. (DOI: 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6316).
