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Prof. Dr. René Nünlist

Visitor Address:

Albertus-Magnus-Platz, Philosophikum,
5th Floor, Office 5.110

Tel.:      +49  (0)221 470 2348

Fax:      +49 - (0)221 470 - 5931


Office Hour: see Department Homepage


1983-1991 Study of Greek, Latin and German Philology at the University of Basel, the FU Berlin and the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor/USA)
1991 Licentiate
1991-1995 Research Assistant at the University of Basel
1994-1998 Lecturer at the University of Basel
1995-1998 Research Assistant at the Basler Homer Commentary Project (funded by Swiss Nationalfonds)
1996 PhD
1998-1999 Post-Doc at the University of Oxford
1999-2001 Post-Doc and Visiting Lecturer at the University of Amsterdam
2001 Offer of the Position of Assistant Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles/USA (declined)
2001-2006 Assistant Professor of Classics, Brown University, Providence/USA
2001-2002 Guest Professor at the University of Zürich
2004-2006 William A. Dyer Jr. Assistant Professor of the Humanities, Brown University
2004 Ruf auf den Griechischen Lehrstuhl an der Université de Lausanne (abgelehnt)
2006-2009 Associate Professor of Classics (mit tenure), Brown University


Offered Chair of Greek Studies at the University of Hamburg (declined)

seit 2010         

Professor of Classical Philology at the University of Cologne


Research Foci:


  • Homer (Co-Founder of the Basler Homer Commentary)
  • Early Greek Verse
  • Ancient and Modern Literature Studies
  • Papyrology (esp. Menander)





  • Narrators, Narratees, and Narratives in Ancient Greek Literature. Hrsg. v. I. de Jong, R.N. und A. Bowie. Leiden 2004 (= Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative, Bd. 1)
  • Time in Ancient Greek Literature. Hrsg. v. I. de Jong und R.N. Leiden 2007 (= Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative, Bd. 2)

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